Step 1: Pull up the Salesforce Integration setting in Decagon

  1. Navigate to Settings page of the Decagon Admin Portal.
  2. Find the Salesforce Integration setting and click “Connect Salesforce with OAuth”.
  3. You should see the following fields. Keep them open on the side so you can populate the fields as you go along.

Step 2: Locate your Salesforce instance URL

  1. In Salesforce, click the gear icon and select Setup.
  2. In the Quick Find search field, search for my and select My Domain under the heading Company Settings.
  3. This URL is your “Instance URL” so head back to your Decagon settings and input this URL for “Instance URL”. Make sure to include the https:// in the URL.

Step 3: Create a Connected App in Salesforce for Decagon with OAuth enabled

  1. In Salesforce, click the gear icon and select Setup.
  2. In the Quick Find search field, search for app manager and select App Manager under the heading Apps.
  3. Click New Connected App.
  4. Input “Decagon” for “Connected App Name”.
  5. Click the box next to Enable OAuth Settings to open the API (Enable OAuth Settings) options.
  6. For the Callback URL field, input the Redirect URI listed in your Decagon settings. It should be something like:
  7. From the Selected OAuth Scopes pick list, select the following scopes:
    • Manage user data via APIs (api)
    • Perform requests at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)
  8. Remove the checkbox next to Require Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) Extension for Supported Authorization Flows.
  9. Remove the checkbox next to Require Secret for Web Server Flow.
  10. Click Save. You will be alerted that it will take 2-10 minutes for your changes to take effect.
  11. Click Continue and then find the Manage Consumer Details button to gain access to a few additional fields that you will need to copy and paste into the Decagon Settings.
  12. Locate the “Consumer Key” (approx. 85 characters long, also known as “Client ID”) and input it in the Decagon Settings.
  13. Locate the “Consumer Secret” (click Click to Reveal) and input it in the Decagon Settings.

Step 4: Configure OAuth policies

  1. Remaining in the Setup section in Salesforce, in the Quick Find search field, search for manage connected and select Manage Connected Apps under the headings Apps > Connected Apps.
  2. Search for the connected app that you just created (Decagon) and click Edit next to the name of your connected app.
  3. Under the heading OAuth policies, configure your settings to reflect the following:
    • Permitted Users: All users may self-authorize
    • IP relaxation: Relax IP restrictions
    • Refresh token policy: Refresh token is valid until revoked
  4. Click Save.

Step 5: Connect from Decagon

Head back to the Decagon Settings and click “Connect”. This will take you to a standard Salesforce OAuth screen. Once you approve, you’ll be redirected back to Decagon, and you’re all set!

At this point, Decagon is fully connected to the basic Salesforce API, which means your knowledge base, historical tickets, and other static information will be synced. Escalations from the chatbot via Salesforce Cases will also be enabled.

If you need help, feel free to send these values directly to us and we’ll take it from there:

  • Instance URL
  • Consumer Key
  • Consumer Secret